Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The "Facts" of Global Warming

Ok, so it’s been forever since I got riled up enough to bother writing another rant that we politely call a blog. My apologies. College got this thing started, and it takes college to keep it rolling. Most of the frustration I experienced last semester was due to people’s bad grammar and poor spelling, so other than listing yet another reason to homeschool,I had nothing to write about. However, this semester I am taking  a Geography class and I would like to do a Math/Science Unit study (if you don’t know what that means ask the nearest homeschooler lol) on the facts of Global Warming…um I mean Climate Change. To help with the calculations I am going to do you need to remember PEMDAS- or Please Excuse My Derision And Sarcasm.

One more thing: to get the right mood for this blog, it is imperative that you read it aloud, and whenever you see the word “Earth”, as in “Earth’s oceans”, or “Earth’s atmosphere”, stop for a moment, compose yourself, and then reverently say “Eeaarrtthhh” After all, as you’ll note by the capital letter and personification, Earth is now and entity and apparently a god. Got it? Good.

OK, here we go. The Facts of Global Warming, condensed from sections from four chapters of my Geography book, supplemented with calculations from a math assignment.

1.     The Ozone Layer is Getting Thinner.

 Ozone, typically found in a layer of the Troposphere, the lowest layer of Earth’s Atmosphere, helps reduce the amount of UV radiation reaching Earth. Ozone, which is a compound of three Oxygen atoms, breaks into one oxygen atom and a molecule of diatomic (two atom) oxygen (the stuff we breathe) when exposed to the energy of radiation. The molecules then rejoin to form ozone again and the process continues as one big cycle.

However, due to man’s interference, the ozone layer is thinning. Humans have released Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) into Earth’s atmosphere. When exposed to the energy of UV radiation, the CFC’s break apart, as does the ozone, freeing a carbon atom and the oxygen atom. The Carbon atom then joins the diatomic oxygen molecule to form carbon dioxide (CO2) which must be broken apart by UV radiation before the Ozone molecule can be formed to absorb UV radiation by being split into Oxygen and O2.

So somehow, since the presence of CFC’S in Earth’s atmosphere creates another molecule and therefore requires more UV energy to break apart, we have a surplus of radiation hitting Earth. Radiation levels in WV, on a scale from 1-11, with 11 being worst, are ranked at 8. To protect yourself you should wear a hat, sunglasses, SPF 15 or greater sunscreen, and avoid direct sunlight between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm.

2. The Greenhouse Effect

The gases of Earth’s atmosphere act like a giant greenhouse, trapping heat to keep Earth from turning into a frozen mass overnight. However, “Since the industrial era began in the mid 1700’s, human activities have increased the concentrations of greenhouse gases-such as carbon dioxide, methane, tropospheric ozone , and chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere.” (McKnight’s  Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation, 10th edition, page 92-93. Emphasis added)

Since we’re making so much Ozone (the compound that is being depleted from the atmosphere making Earth warmer because of unfiltered Radiation) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2, the stuff we exhale), Earth is getting warmer.

3. The Earth’s Temperature is Rising

Scientists have averaged the temperatures from the past century, and concluded that the Earth is growing warmer. That’s exactly right, the people who believe Earth is billions of years old and the 5 or 6 thousand years of human history would look like a millimeter compared to a football field of “prehistoric time” have looked back a whole century to come to this conclusion. Using this logic, I have averaged the temperatures of this week and have concluded that no matter what that ignorant ground hog said, Spring will never come.

Anyways, back to the rising temperatures, when Scientists looked back into history, they couldn’t find exact temperatures for every year, so they looked at ice cores and tree rings and estimated the temperatures for each year...of course, this leaves some room for error. Using this method they have determined Earth’s temperature has risen a whole …drumroll please… 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s right folks, it is 1.3 degrees warmer today than it was 100 years ago.

4. The Ice Caps are Going to Melt and We are All Going to Die…or at least our Children are…or maybe Grandchildren…Great Grandchildren?

The average high temperature in January-the peak of Summer in Antarctica- is -18 degrees Fahrenheit.( http://traveltips.usatoday.com/average-temperature-antarctica-13726.html)Let’s assume all the ice melts the moment the temperature hits 32 degrees Fahrenheit (which anyone who’s lived through a snow storm will tell you it won’t. Water takes longer to heat than air and therefore even though the air is 32 degrees, the ice is still much colder.). If the temperature rises 2 degrees Fahrenheit every century, how long will it take before it raises the 50 degrees (32--18) necessary for the ice to melt?

The average 3rd grader should be able to tell me it would take 50 x 100=5000 years.

5. What Should We Do?

The following is taken from my Math text book , Jeffery Bennett and William Briggs’ Using and Understanding Mathematics, A Quantitative Approach, 5th edition. It is Question 6 of the Chapter Two ‘Critical Thinking’ activity, found on page 80.

“Global warming is expected to cause melting of the polar ice sheets, but scientists cannot predict how fast the ice will melt. Given this uncertainty how should the danger of polar melting be dealt with in political discussions of global warming?”

Here is my answer:

If the sea level remains the same (since the water will not just stack up on top of itself but will overflow the land) at 3.73km (3730 meters http://hypertextbook.com/facts/2001/SyedQadri.shtml ), with  an influx of (35 million cubic km+3.5million cubic km)=38.5million cubic km of water, the surface area of the world ocean would increase by (38.5millioncubic Km/3.73km)= 10.3 million square km, about one third of its current area.

In exchange for this we would  have the continent of Antarctica, which is 14 million square km of land (some of which would be lost to the rising water, of course) plus the area of Greenland now covered in ice (410450 square km http://www.tradingeconomics.com/greenland/surface-area-sq-km-wb-data.html )a net gain of  over 4 million square km. In addition the melting of the ice in the Arctic Ocean would allow it to hold 1/6 more water than it currently does.

            The heat increase needed to melt the ice would also increase the rate of evaporation, meaning there would be more rain, so perhaps desert areas would become livable again. Though the tropics would become unbearably hot, the northern and southern extremes would become more temperate, leaving a large portion of the world with a tropical climate. This would allow for longer growing seasons, which in combination with the increase in rainfall would mean more food.

            This taken into account, if global warming is a fact and the weather we are experiencing is not simply part of a large pattern, any politician who tries to bring about legislation to prevent global warming should be tried for treason against the world, as the melting of the ice caps could greatly benefit us.

So even if I am wrong, and the sky is falling,or global warming is possible, why worry?